
Saturday, February 28, 2009 Labels: 0 comments


Hipermagnesemia (high magnesium levels in the blood) is a condition where the concentration of magnesium higher than 2.1 mEq / L blood.


Hipermagnesemia occurs in kidney failure patients and those who received magnesium salt, or those who consume drugs that contain magnesium (such as some antacids or laxatives).


Hipermagnesemia can cause:
- Weakness
- Low blood pressure
- Respiratory problems.

If the concentration is reached above 12-15 mEq / L, the heart can stop beating.


Diagnosis based on results of blood tests and symptoms.


In hipermagnesemia heavy glukonas given intravenous calcium and aids respiratory and circulatory systems.

These drugs are powerful intravenous diuretics can increase the removal of magnesium through the kidneys.

When kidneys do not function properly, dialysis may be necessary.

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