Vitamins and minerals

Thursday, March 12, 2009 Labels: , 0 comments


Vitamins and minerals are an important part of healthy foods.
When a person consumes a variety of foods, then it is likely to have deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are very small.

People who undergo a strict diet may not get enough of certain vitamins or minerals.
For example a very strict vegetarian diet may develop vitamin B12 deficiency, which can only be obtained from foods of animal origin.

Instead, consume large amounts of extra vitamins and minerals without medical supervision, may cause harmful effects.


Vitamins are important and mikronutrisi needed by the body in small amounts.
Vitamins that are fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, whereas vitamin is water soluble B vitamins and vitamin C.
Vitamin B consists of:
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
- Vitamin B6 (piridoksin)
- Pantothenic acid
- Niacin
- Biotin
- Folic acid
- Vitamin B12 (kobalamin).

The recommended daily needs (the average amount needed per day to stay healthy), has been established for each vitamin.
Someone who is too much or too little of certain vitamins can have nutritional disorders.

If taken more than 10 times the recommended dose every day, vitamins A and D are toxic, but vitamin E and K (filokuinon) no.
Niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin C when taken in high doses would be toxic, but it is not the case with the other vitamins that dissolve in water.

Only 2 kinds of vitamins are fat soluble (vitamins A and E) are stored in the body until a large amount. Vitamin D and K are stored in small quantities.
Depending on the needs, vitamin C stored in the least amount.
Vitamin B12 is stored in the greatest number and it takes about 7 years to spend the supply of this vitamin 2-3 mgr.


Some minerals (sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium), is put into makronutrisi groups because these substances needed by the body in a relatively large amount and also called makromineral.

Other minerals are mikronutrisi, as required by the body in small amounts and is also called mikromineral.
Which belong to the mikromineral are iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, iodine and fluoride.

Lack of minerals, except iron and iodine, are rare.
Excess some minerals can cause toxicity.

Vitamin & Mineral

Substances Nutrition

Main Source

Main Functions

Due From Pros & Cons

Daily Needs Adult

Vitamin A

? As vit.A: fish liver oil, beef liver, egg yolk, butter, cream

? As carotene (converted into the intestine vit.A): Leafy green vegetables, vegetables & fruits yellow, red palm oil

Normal vision
Healthy skin & other surface tissue
Protection against infection

? Disadvantages: Nyctalopia; thickening of the skin around the hair follicle; drying the whites of the eyes & the cornea, eventually causing protrusion of reply, the formation of corneal ulcer and rupture with evisceration eyes; blindness; spots on the whites of the eyes; the risk of infection & death

? Pros: headache, skin peeling, enlarged liver & lymph nodes, thickening of the bone & joint pain

900 micrograms

Vitamin D

? As vit.D2(elgokalsiferol):Yeast, milk

? As vit.D3(kolekalsiferol):fish liver oil, egg yolks, milk, formed in the skin when exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet rays)

Calcium and phosphate absorption from the gut
Mineralization, growth & repair of bone

? Disadvantages: Growth & yg abnormal bone repair, mirickets in children,osteomalacia in adults, muscle spasms

10 micrograms

Vitamin E

Vegetable oil, wheat seeds, leafy vegetables, egg yolks, margarine, plant peas


? Disadvantages: The outbreak of red blood cells, nerve damage

? Pros: Increased demand for vit.K

10 micrograms

Vitamin K

Leafy vegetables, pork, liver, vegetable oil, produced by bacteria in the gut

The formation of blood clotting factors
The formation of blood clots normal reply

Disadvantages: Bleeding

65 micrograms

Vitamin B

Dry yeast, wheat, meat (especially pork & liver), nuts, plant peas, potatoes

Carbohydrate metabolism

Disadvantages: Beriberi in children & adults, accompanied by heart failure and nerve function & feather-abnormal

1.2 milligrams

Vitamin B2

Milk, cheese, liver, meat, eggs, wheat

Carbohydrate metabolism
Health mucous membrane

Disadvantages: lips & corners of the mouth broke mi & scaly, dermatitis

1.5 milligrams

(Nicotinic acid)

Dry yeast, liver, meat, fish, legumes crops, wheat

Chemical reactions in the cell
Carbohydrate metabolism

Disadvantages: Pellagra(dermatosis, inflammation of the tongue, intestine & brain function abnormal reply)

16 milligrams

Dry yeast, liver, meat, wheat, fish, legumes crops

Metabolism of amino acids & fatty acids
Nervous system function

Disadvantages: Seizures in infants,anemia, nerve & skin disorders

2 milligrams


Liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast, cauliflower, beans, legumes crops

Carbohydrate metabolism & fatty acids

Disadvantages: Inflammation of the skin & lips

60 micrograms

Vitamin B12

Liver, meat (especially beef, pork), eggs, milk & dairy products

Maturation of red blood cells
Nerve function
DNA synthesis

Disadvantages: Anemia pernicious anemia & other (on a vegetarian distressed fish tapeworm), bebrapa psychic disorders, visual impairment

2 micrograms

Folic Acid

Yg green leafy vegetables were fresh, fruit, liver, dried yeast

Maturation of red blood cells
DNA & RNA synthesis

Disadvantages: Reduced number of all types of blood cells (pansitopenia), red blood cells yg large (especially in pregnant women, infants & patientmalabsorption)

200 micrograms

Pantothenate Acid

Liver, yeast, vegetable

Metabolism of carbohydrates & fats

Disadvantages: neurological disease, leg burning

6 milligrams

Vitamin C

Oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green chillies

Disadvantages:Scurvy(bleeding, tooth loss, inflammation of the gums)

60 milligrams


Salt, beef, pork, sardines, cheese, green olives, corn bread, potato chips, pickled cabbage

Acid-base balance
Nerve & muscle function

? Disadvantages: dlm blood sodium levels low, confusion, coma

? Pros: dlm sodium levels of high blood pressure, confusion, coma, / td>

1 gram


Same with sodium

Elektrolis balance

Disadvantages: Disturbance of acid-base balance

1.5 grams


Skim milk, banana, reclaimedplums, raisins

Nerve & muscle function
Acid-base balance & water balance

Disadvantages: dlm levels low blood potassium, paralysis, heart problems

? Pros: dlm blood potassium levels Cleaner, paralysis, heart problems

2 grams


Milk & dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, wheat, beans, fruits, vegetables

Bone & tooth formation
Blood clotting
Nerve & muscle function
Normal heart rhythm

? Disadvantages: dlm calcium levels low blood, muscle spasms

? Pros: dlm calcium levels high blood pressure, loss of bowel pressure, kidney failure, abnormal behavior(psychosis)

1 gram


Milk, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, wheat, nuts, pods plant

Bone & tooth formation
Acid-base balance
Nukteat acid components
Energy production

? Disadvantages: Easily offended, weakness, blood cell disorders, bowel & kidney disorders

? Pros: Happened to kidney failure patients, phosphate levels high blood dlm

0.9 grams


Green leafy vegetables, beans, wheat, seafood

Bone & tooth formation
Nerve & muscle function
Pengaktivan enzyme

? Disadvantages: dlm magnesium blood levels of low, abnormal nerve function

? Pros: dlm magnesium levels of high blood pressure, low blood pressure, respiratory failure, heart rhythm disturbances

0.3 grams


Soy flour, beef kidney, liver, beans, shellfish,peaches

The formation of the enzyme, wrote works to change the body's chemical reactions dlm
Formation of the main component of red blood cells & muscle cells

? Disadvantages: anemia,difficulty swallowing, spoon-shaped nails, intestinal disorders, reduced performance, study skills disorders

? Pros: Sedimentation iron, kerusakanhati (cirrhosis), diabetes mellitus (diabetes), skin coloring

12 milligrams


Meat, seafood

Component enzymes
The formation of red blood cells
Bone formation, / td.

Disadvantages: slow-growth, delayed sexual maturity, reduced taste sensation

15 milligrams


Meat, oysters, nuts, pods plant reclaimed, wheat

Component enzymes
The formation of red blood cells
Bone formation

? Disadvantages: Anemia in children suffering frommalnutrition yg ²

? Pros: Sedimentation of copper in the brain, liver damage

2 milligrams


Wheat, fruits reclaimed

Component enzymes

? Disadvantages: Weight loss, skin irritation, nausea & vomiting, changes in hair color, hair growth slow -

? Pros: nerve damage

3.5 milligrams


Dairy products, wheat

Pengaktivan enzyme

Disadvantages: acidosis,one's heart rate, rapid breathing, blind spots, night blindness, irritability

150 micrograms


Flesh & the other animals, the concentration of land there dlm yg plants

Essential for synthesis of an antioxidant enzyme, / td>

? Disadvantages: muscle pain & weakness

? Pros: hair & nail loss, skin inflammation, neurological disorders may occur

60 micrograms


Seafood, iodized salt, dairy products, drinking water

The formation of thyroid hormones, reply controlling mechanism controls the energy

? Disadvantages: Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), cretinism, deaf-mute, fetal growth & development of abnormal feather -

? Pros: Sometimes causes high levels of thyroid hormone

150 micrograms


Tea, coffee, water containing fluorine reply

Bone & tooth formation

? Disadvantages: Increased risk of kavitasi teeth, bone thinning may occur

? Pros: fluorosis (excessive accumulation of fluorine), spots & holes in teeth, bone growth outside the spinal

2.5 milligrams

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