Pros & Cons Zinc

Thursday, October 1, 2009 Labels: 0 comments


Zinc is distributed in the body because it is a component of over 100 enzymes, including enzymes that play a role in the synthesis of RNA and DNA.
A vast network of zinc are bone, liver, prostate and testicles.

Zinc levels in the blood depending on the amount of zinc in the diet.
Meat, liver, eggs and seafood is a source of food that contains lots of zinc.

Not milled rice contains substances such as fiber and phosphate, which inhibits the absorption of zinc.

Consuming clay, a habit that made by certain people, inhibit the absorption of zinc and lead zinc deficiency in the body.

Disorder Akrodermatitis enteropatika is derived, which can not be absorbed zinc, also cause a deficiency of zinc.

Symptoms include:
- Loss of appetite
- Hair loss
- Dermatitis
- Nyctalopia
- Disturbance tasting.

Reproductive activity could be disrupted, resulting in delayed sexual development and in men, causing decreased sperm production.
Growth loss can also be hampered.

Immune system and wound healing ability can be disrupted.

In children the early symptoms of zinc deficiency are:
- Growth is too late
- Loss of appetite
- Interference Tasting
- Low content of zinc in hair.

To help establish the diagnosis, examination of zinc levels in the blood.

Treatment consists of providing additional zinc.


A large number of zinc is usually acquired by consuming acidic foods or beverages that are stored in a place covered by zinc.

Large amounts of zinc can cause a metal taste in the tongue, vomiting and stomach upset.
Zinc in increments of 1 gram or more can be fatal.

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