Lack of Vitamin B2

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 Labels: 0 comments


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is important in many processes that occur in cells, especially yng produce energy and amino acid metabolism.

Plenty of food sources containing vitamin B2 are products of dairy, meat, fish and poultry.


Vitamin B2 deficiency is rare, except in areas where food, especially in the form of milled rice.

This vitamin deficiency can also occur in:
- Drinking alcohol
- Liver disease
- People with chronic diarrhea.


Symptoms most often happens is an open wound at the corner of the mouth, followed by chapped lips, which can leave scarring.

If in the mouth occurs thrush (a fungal infection), will appear white patches gray.

Tongue color changed to magenta and the area between the nose and lips appear oily spots (seboroik).

Sometimes the blood vessels grow into the cornea, causes eye glare.

In the male scrotal skin inflammation.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination results.


The symptoms will subside if given additional vitamin B2 as much as 10 times the recommended daily dose.

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