Acid base balance

Saturday, January 31, 2009 Labels: 0 comments


Degree of acidity is an important chemical properties of blood and other body fluids.
Unit acidity is pH:
- PH 7.0 is neutral
- PH above 7.0 is basic (alkaline)
- PH below 7.0 is acidic.
A strong acid has a very low pH (near 1.0), while a strong base has a very high pH (above 14.0).

Blood has a pH between 7,35-7,45.
Acid-base balance of blood is carefully controlled, because the pH changes very kecilpun can give a serious effect on several organs.

Body using 3 mechanisms to control the acid-base balance of blood:

1. Excess acid will be removed by the kidneys, mostly in the form of ammonia
Kidneys have the ability to alter the amount of acid or base is removed, which usually lasts for several days.

2. Body using a pH buffer (buffer) in the blood as a safeguard against changes that occur suddenly in blood pH.
A pH buffer works chemically to minimize changes in pH of a solution.
Buffer pH is important in the blood paliing using bicarbonate.
Bicarbonate (a basic component) is in equilibrium with carbon dioxide (an acid component).
If more acid into the bloodstream, it will produce more bicarbonate and less carbon dioxide. If more of the base into the bloodstream, it will produce more carbon dioxide and less bicarbonate.

3. Disposal of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is an important additional result of the metabolism of oxygen and continuously produced by the cells.
Blood carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs and in the lungs of carbon dioxide is released (exhaled).
Respiratory center in the brain that regulate the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled by controlling the speed and depth of breathing.
If breathing increases, dioksidadarah carbon levels decreased and the blood becomes more alkaline. If respiration decreases, blood carbon dioxide levels rise and the blood becomes more acidic.
By regulating the speed and depth of breathing, the respiratory center and the lungs can regulate the blood pH of the minutes.

Abnormalities in one or more mechanisms that control pH, can cause one of the 2 major abnormalities in acid base balance, which is acidosis or alkalosis.

Acidosis is a condition where the blood has too much acid (or too few contain alkaline) and often causes decreased blood pH.
Alkalosis is a condition where the blood has too much base (or too little acid) and sometimes cause increased blood pH.

Acidosis and alkalosis is not a disease but rather a result of a number of diseases.
The occurrence of acidosis and alkalosis is an important indicator of the existence of a serious metabolic problems.

Acidosis and metabolic alkalosis or grouped into respiratory, depending on the primary cause.
Metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis caused by an imbalance in the formation and disposal of acid or alkali by the kidney.
Respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis caused primarily by lung disease or respiratory disorders.

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